Competition Policies

By registering to play in our sanctioned event, participants agree to the following policies (Notice to Players):

  • Eligibility – WHS Index | Championship Yardages | Other
  • Event Waiver and Release
    All people attending a Golf Saskatchewan CORE SERVICE event, recognize there are possibilities of risk.

    Each participant/guardian/volunteer/spectator and/or staff understands there is some inherent risk to attending one of our CORE SERVICE events.


  • Amateur | Junior Code of Conduct
    Conduct of a participant and our Zero Tolerance Clause
    • Code of Conduct for Amateur | Junior
    • A junior playing in an Amateur aged event she/he/they must adhere to the Junior Code of Conduct.
    • Exceptions may include Caddie or power cart transportation, if eligible.
  • Transportation
    What events are power-carts allowed?
    • In events where players are allowed to ride power carts, the groups are only allowed 2 power-carts per group. *
    • The Championship Committee will review each event and put a Local Rule in effect.
    • A group must not have more than 2 carts per group, or they are subject to the General Penalty of the Local Rules.
    • Events which power carts may be used include (although Golf Saskatchewan encourages participants to walk):
      • Amateur Women’s | Men’s *
      • Mid Amateur Women’s | Men’s
      • Senior Women’s | Men’s *
      • Mid-Master Men’s (40+) *
      • Women’s 4-Ball (Rosebowl) *
      • Mixed Team *
      • Champions Cup *
      • * includes transgender and non-binary competitors
    • Please note, the Pace of Play policy, is in effect regardless of if a group chooses to ride or walk.
    • A Tournament Director is allowed to use discretion regarding the use of power carts at an event.
  • Pace of Play
    *Play in 4 hours and 35 minutes or less


    • Play in the time frame established (less than 4 hours 35 minutes *)
    • Spend less than 40 seconds to make your shot when it is safe to do so.
    • Walk briskly between shots and holes.
    • Play a provisional ball, to save time, if allowed under the rules of golf.
    • Keep up to the group in front of you (finish the hole in less than 15 minutes of the group in front of  your group.)
    • If you have a slow golfer in your group, ask a referee to watch your group.
    • Play well – play fast. — Play poorly – play faster!
  • Standard Local Rules
    Golf Saskatchewan Hard Card (2024-06-29)
  • Spectator | Parent Code of Conduct
    Conduct on and off the course
  • Dress Code + Footwear
  • Cancellation | Refund Policy
    IF you are unable to play in our Golf Saskatchewan event
  • Playoff | Ties | Retrogression
    In the event of participants with the same score …
  • National Athlete Assistance Subsidy (N.A.A.S.)
    Funding for National Championships (TEAM/Quota Spots)

    National Athlete Assistance Subsidy (NAAS)

    1. Golf Saskatchewan and the Sport Committee believes in our athletes competing and excelling at the highest levels.

    2. The N.A.A.S. may include those athletes who compete at a National competition recognized by Golf Canada.

    3. ELIGIBILITY: the applicant must:
    – be a current member of Golf Saskatchewan, and
    – earned a team/quota spot by playing in a current Provincial championships, or
    – qualifying in a regional qualifier, or
    – qualified through a recognized invitational championship, or
    – earning an exemption into a championship, based on previous play or win at the prior year(s) competition.

    4. Player’s responsibilities include:
    a. Paying for her/his/their own entry fee to the event, and
    b. Booking her/his/their own travel to and from the event, and
    c. Booking her/his/their own accommodations (unless alternative arrangements have been made and communicated by the Golf Saskatchewan office).

    5. National Athlete Assistance Subsidy (N.A.A.S.) amounts are determined annually and are:
    a. based on geographic location of event, and
    b. the number of eligible athletes who are competing from Saskatchewan.
    c. Team members (top 3) will be given a higher N.A.A.S. amount, and
    d. any remining eligible quota spot players may receive N.A.A.S on an equitable basis, for each event, based on the geographic location (5.a.)

    6. Ineligibility:
    a. Golf Saskatchewan may not assist an athlete who:
    i. direct enters to a national and/or international competition.
    ii. is competing in another event put on by associations or groups, not listed in this policy (MJT, AJGA, CJGA, Canadian Senior’s Association, or the like).

    7. Issuing payment of N.A.A.S.:
    a. A reasonable time following the last national championship is required to properly process the cheques.

  • Other Information for Golf Saskatchewan events
    1. Championship Committee Review:
      All championship entry applications are subject to the approval of the Golf Saskatchewan Championship Committee.
    2. Member only event:
      All competitors must have a Golf Canada membership and must present validated proof of 2024 Golf Canada membership card/number upon entering the Championship(s) or proof of membership equivalent from another jurisdiction.
    3. Participant Jurisdiction:
      If a participant is from outside of Canada and is a member with another golf association/union she/he/they may enter our event provided they are able to verify their membership with an established WHS index.
    4. Photography & Video:
      By entering a Golf Saskatchewan championship, the participant allows Golf Saskatchewan to take picture(s) and/or video(s) of the participant for marketing/promotional materials.
    5. Quota Spots and National Championships:
      Are eligible for Golf Saskatchewan members only.

      1. Golf Saskatchewan will try to ensure proper representation at all Golf Canada national championship.
      2. Note, this includes limiting the amount of players we will drop down to on the participant list (for instance, not lower than the 15th placed person). *subject to change.
      3. A person from another province or country is welcome to play but cannot gain entry into Golf Canada’s national championship through our quota spot system.
    6. Residency Eligibility:
      Only players who are members of a Golf Saskatchewan Member Club, and who have been in permanent residence in the Golf Saskatchewan jurisdiction area for at least six consecutive months are eligible to represent Saskatchewan on a Provincial Team at a National Championship or earn a Golf Saskatchewan quota spot. *Subject to a review by the Board of Golf Saskatchewan if required.
    7. Rules Decisions and Interpretations:
      Are governed by the most current Golf Canada Rules of Golf including Amateur Status including the most current Golf Canada Rules of Golf and Interpretations.
      On the field of play, shall be decided by the Golf Saskatchewan Championship Rules Committee, and shall be final.
    8. Supplementary Local Rules:
      For the championship are location and event specific.

    REMINDER: The Golf Saskatchewan Amateur | Junior Code of Conduct applies to players & teams attending Regional, National and International Events (sanctioned/conducted by Golf Canada and the like). This is above and beyond the policies and Code of Conduct at the championship being played.